Pulcheria Chung, 18 St Mary's Canossian College
To degrade means to have less respect for someone, thus lowering their moral and intellectual standards. Organisers of beauty contests proudly proclaim that they help promote world peace and the role of women in society.
Sadly, those are empty words. Beauty pageants are just commercial entertainment. If they are so important, why do the contestants always have to wear swimsuits? This is because the audience, including millions of TV viewers, enjoy seeing beautiful women in sexy clothes.
Moreover, such contests help to reinforce the idea that looks are the most important quality. There may be a lot of talented women among the participants, but the pageants do not have a chance to reflect their true abilities. Their performance during the interviews rarely counts as hosts usually ask dumb questions.
It is the women with sex appeal who have the best chance of winning the crown. This devalues women's intellect and integrity. Although beauty pageant winners do some charity work, their main intention is to enter the entertainment field. I don't believe they help to drive home the message that ability outweighs appearance.
Oliver Kwan, 17 Delia School of Canada
I don't think that beauty pageants degrade women.
Beauty pageants have come a long way since their early days. The women involved are no longer portrayed as just pretty faces. They are motivated with real goals. The current Miss America is enrolled in medical school, and the 2003 winner gained a place at Harvard University's Law School. If anything, this has improved the image of women who are now considered as capable as their male counterparts.
No one forces women to enter beauty pageants.
Why would someone do something degrading? Most participants believe the experience will empower them to achieve more and help the community.
Imagine the entire world thinking you are pretty and smart. Imagine winning a huge cash prize. That's what happens at a beauty pageant.
Some people say that beauty pageants are degrading because the focus is on appearance. While this is true, beauty is not the deciding factor anymore. The 2003 Miss America winner isn't exactly gorgeous, but her list of achievements amazes me. There is something special about someone who has won more than US$80,000 through scholarships.